Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy Students Take Flight in Helicopters

Prescott students are first to fly in new, hi-tech helicopter flight simulators Fifteen Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy students participated in helicopter flight ground school instruction at Guidance Aviation of Prescott, Arizona, learning what it is like to become a professional helicopter pilot. During the ground school instruction, the students learned about general helicopter aerodynamics and … Continued

Prescott Airport Area Economic Development Strategic Planning Sessions

The City of Prescott will be holding Airport Area Economic Development Strategic Planning Sessions with the City Council to discuss the development of the airport, its facilities, and a 2-mile radius around the airport. The first of four monthly public meetings will be held on Tuesday, January 14th at 10:00 a.m. in the City Council Chambers (City … Continued

Historical Exhibit on Display at Ernest A. Love Terminal

History of the Prescott Airport, Ernest A. Love Field – KPRC The City of Prescott and the Prescott Municipal Airport would like to extend an invitation to all tenants, customers, and users to view a new airport historical exhibit now on display at the Ernest A. Love Terminal building (6500 MacCurdy Drive). Local historian/author Giacinta Bradley Koontz has spent … Continued

Yavapai Exceptional Industries (YEI!)

What Does Yavapai Exceptional Industries (YEI!) Do??!! Yavapai Exceptional Industries (YEI) has been providing job training, employment, volunteer placements, and support services for developmentally disabled adult residents of the cities and towns of the Central Highlands since 1974. The YEI program of “Developmental Employment,” which includes our award-winning “Community Contribution Corps,” (community volunteer placements) has been … Continued


PHOENIX TERMINAL RADAR APPROACH CONTROL LETTER TO AIRMAN NO. 13-01 ISSUED: December 12, 2013 EFFECTIVE: February 6, 2014 CANCELLATION: April 6, 2014 SUBJECT: Northern Arizona Airspace Transfer On February 6, 2014, Phoenix Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) will begin providing approach control services in the airspace of northern Arizona surrounding Prescott Ernest A. Love Field, Sedona … Continued

Better Lifestyles and Real World Flight Environments – Guidance Aviation

Focusing on the person AND the pilot, Guidance Aviation creates unique opportunities for both its helicopter flight instructors and students. The mission is to improve lifestyles surrounding the flight operations while embedding both instructors and students pilots in real world flight scenarios and environments which will enrich their learning experiences and provide them the knowledge … Continued

Helicopter Flight School Application Deadline – Arizona

2014 Spring semester application deadline for Helicopter flight school, Prescott, Arizona flight operations, is December 1, 2013.  For more information, please contact Mr. Robert Short, Student Services Manager, Guidance Aviation. Direct, Toll Free: 866-535-5770 Email Inquiries: Applicant News CLICK HERE  

Prescott Arizona Veterans Parade

Partnership to Bring Veterans Day Parade Downtown Creates New Opportunities for Statewide Participation by Pete Wertheim, Communications & Public Affairs Manager, City of Prescott, AZ. As Veterans Day parades around the country are being downsized due to financial strains and other factors, the City of Prescott has taken steps to partner with the VA Medical Center … Continued

Prescott Airport Honored with Airport Safety Award

Prescott Airport Provides 700 Jobs and $69 Million to Local Economy On Saturday November 2, 2013, the Prescott Municipal Airport / Ernest A. Love Field was presented with the prestigious 2013 Airport Safety Award at the 41st Annual Safety Awards Banquet.  This award, given to an airport that has made considerable strides in enhancing safety … Continued