Veteran Using Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits for helicopter flight training

Case Study No. 2 in our series on “Veterans Using Post 9/11 GI Bill® benefits for helicopter flight training” features Ruben Velasco, US Army Veteran and Guidance Aviation helicopter flight training student. Ruben is attending the Yavapai College Associate of Applied Arts (AAS) degree program, Professional Pilot-Helicopters, with Guidance Aviation as the sole provider of … Continued

Guidance Aviation establishes Scholarship for Student Helicopter Pilots in Need of Financial Assistance

On August 17, 2011, the Guidance Academy Scholarship was established by Guidance Aviation of Prescott, Arizona to provide financial assistance to students in need who are enrolled in the Yavapai College Professional Pilot Program pursuing their Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Professional Pilot – Helicopters. Guidance Aviation is donating $11,000 in the month of August … Continued

Prescott, Arizona: A Picture Perfect Place to Become a Professional Pilot

It’s not just the 300+ days of sunshine nor just the challenge of high altitude flight training that attracts our student pilots from all over the nation.  Nor is it that we offer an incredible flight training program for U.S. Veterans using their Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits through the Yavapai College Professional Pilot Program.  Those are all great reasons.  There’s another reason. … Continued

Prescott Army Air Corp Pilot, Woody Jongeward, Dies

Endurance flight co-pilot Woody Jongeward dies (Yuma Sun) July 22, 2011 6:32 PM BY DARREN DARONCO – SUN STAFF WRITER Yuma lost a piece of history when Woody Jongeward, 93, the last living pilot of the record-setting City of Yuma Endurance Flight, died Thursday night at his home in San Diego. “He was a … Continued

Biggest Hiring Boom in History, Now is the time to become a Pilot

“Every action has an opposite but equal reaction”, said Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687. At least, that’s the simplified version of Newton’s Third Law.   And, Sir Isaac is being proven correct again, or, at least many leaders in the aviation industry seem to believe so. Following a … Continued

Sport Pilot Training in Arizona

Sport pilot training in Arizona just got a little safer, and sweeter with the recent arrival of Guidance Aviation’s second Piper Sport, light sport aircraft, complete with Garmin 696, auto pilot, XM weather, leather seats and ballistic parachute. “On our return trip from Florida to Arizona, what I liked the most was having the weather … Continued

Sport Pilot Training and Light Sport Aircraft Sales in Arizona Continue to Grow

Sport pilot training and light sport aircraft sales in Arizona grew more this week as a second Piper Sport ( light sport aircraft ) arrived in Prescott to support training and sales operations at Guidance Aviation and GA Sales. “With growth in training and rentals, it was necessary to purchase another aircraft as the summer approaches and … Continued