Flight School and F15 Pilot wing up to lift character and dreams

Guidance Aviation flight instructors and staff members winged up with Colonel Denny Peeples, Prescott High School JROTC, F15 Pilot and Prescott High School AF JROTC members for a two day course on aviation sectional charts in February, 2011. Colonel Denny Peeples, AF JROTC Instructor, teaches a Private Pilot ground school to advanced JROTC students and … Continued

Flight Training in LSA’s – Just What the Doctored Ordered

The following is an excerpt from an article authored by P. Jerry Lee, Mach1 Consultants.Entire article can be viewed at: http://mach1consultants.com/blog/?p=686*Active links and pictures added by GA Earlier this month, we had the chance to visit with the folks at Guidance Aviation in Prescott, AZ about their newly minted LSA program.  President John Stonecipher shared … Continued

New Cirrus SR20 ops on approach for Prescott, AZ.

Guidance Aviation’s SR20 has been spotted in northern Arizona.  Keep a lookout for N357GA!  To track our Cirrus, go to: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N357GA For more sales and rental info on the Guidance Aviation’s Cirrus SR20 or the Piper Sport LSA, contact Chris Horton, GA Sales and Distribution! Don’t forget, Guidance Aviation will be at the Cactus Fly-In (Casa … Continued

Come see the Piper Sport LSA at Casa Grande Fly-In

March 4th & 5th, Guidance Aviation will be at the Casa Grande Fly-In with our Piper Sport LSA!  Prospective buyers and students come talk to us about a DEMO RIDE! See you there!Chris HortonGA Sales and Distributionwww.guidance.aero Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment … Continued

Friday Night Video: Helicopters “Thunderstruck”

It’s Friday Night Video time. Have a great weekend and remember our fellow military helicopter pilots! Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to http://www.guidance.aero or http://www.guidancehelicopters.com

Piper Sport LSA at Casa Grande Fly-In

We’ll be at the Casa Grande Fly-In (www.flyprescott.com/specialevent ) March 4th and 5th providing information on the Piper Sport LSA.  Let’s talk about demo flights for you prospective buyers and flight students.  For more information on the Piper Sport LSA, visit our blog page: http://guidanceaviation.blogspot.com/p/aircraft-sales.html See you there!!Chris HortonGA Sales and Distribution Guidance Aviation provides … Continued