Shopping and Roller Coasters Take a Hit from Helicopters

“Funner Than Shopping, Roller Coasters, Staying Home From School, Recess!” Wait for it, wait for it…Moment 2:06 says it all in this video as a youngster describes her ride in a helicopter! Guidance Aviation provided helicopter rides to the public during the 2013 Yavapai Fair.  Helicopters, fuel, ground personnel, and pilots were donated for the event … Continued

GoPro Bomb Squad – Adrenaline Junkies Defying Gravity

GoPro Bomb Squad member and US Military Veteran, Neil Amonson, and his adrenaline junkie buddies jump from helicopters, defy gravity, and wow crowds for a living. Check out the video and full story as reported in Yahoo News by ABC News. Neil and his base jumping buddies hang off the skids of a helicopter at … Continued

Better Lifestyles and Real World Flight Environments – Guidance Aviation

Focusing on the person AND the pilot, Guidance Aviation creates unique opportunities for both its helicopter flight instructors and students. The mission is to improve lifestyles surrounding the flight operations while embedding both instructors and students pilots in real world flight scenarios and environments which will enrich their learning experiences and provide them the knowledge … Continued

Helicopter Flight School Application Deadline – Arizona

2014 Spring semester application deadline for Helicopter flight school, Prescott, Arizona flight operations, is December 1, 2013.  For more information, please contact Mr. Robert Short, Student Services Manager, Guidance Aviation. Direct, Toll Free: 866-535-5770 Email Inquiries: Applicant News CLICK HERE  

Stay Ahead of The Aircraft AND The Employer

Situational Awareness Is Just as Important During The Interview as It Is in Flight We hear it all the time while training as newbie pilots, career aviators, and during recurrent training: “Stay Ahead of the Aircraft”.  One of our tasks in the cockpit is to mitigate risk by constantly analyzing new information as it becomes … Continued

Powerless, Helicopter Pilot Autorotates

Powerless, Helicopter Pilot Autorotates to One Knee and Finds Power Again in the Word “YES!” Ben Lewis, CFI-I, Guidance Aviation, thought he was going to surprise his girlfriend with “THE RING” in December, but The Power of Love and a small ring box with contents of pure crystallized carbon and an infinite form of gold was … Continued

Helicopter Pilot Careers Driven by Off-Shore Oil and Gas Business

Helicopter Pilot Careers driven by Gulf Region’s Off-Shore Oil and Gas Operator Demand for more Transportation to Off-Shore Rigs Helicopters pilot careers are being driven by a strong demand for new helicopters in the Gulf of Mexico.  As off-shore oil and gas operators in the Gulf of Mexico increase production, they require more off-shore helicopter … Continued

Prescott Airport Honored with Airport Safety Award

Prescott Airport Provides 700 Jobs and $69 Million to Local Economy On Saturday November 2, 2013, the Prescott Municipal Airport / Ernest A. Love Field was presented with the prestigious 2013 Airport Safety Award at the 41st Annual Safety Awards Banquet.  This award, given to an airport that has made considerable strides in enhancing safety … Continued

Guidance Aviation’s Jason Kidd, US Army Veteran, Wins FAA’s Maintenance Technician of The Year 2014

Guidance Aviation Director of Maintenance, US Army Veteran, Jason Kidd, Awarded Maintenance Technician of the Year for the State of Arizona, 2014, Moves on to National FAA Awards Competition Mr. Jason Kidd, Director of Maintenance, Guidance Aviation of Prescott, Arizona and Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was awarded the FAA’s Maintenance Technician of the Year, 2014, for the State … Continued