The latest Guidance Aviation BBQ in Prescott, Arizona took place on Friday, August 22, 2014, recognizing recent student helicopter pilot and staff accomplishments. As meals were served and helicopter rides given, the following were recognized. Great job everyone!
Career Placement Success
Before we check out all the recent accomplishments recognized at the BBQ, we want to say “Congratulations” and “We’ll miss you buddy” to John Cary, CFI-I, U.S. Military Veteran and now a Professional Pilot at Sundance Helicopters. Cary was both a flight instructor and Safety Manager at Guidance Aviation. We are very happy for him and his career start, but we will miss him! Well done John.
Safety Excellence Award – Staff
Parker Kuntz, CFI-I
Safety Excellence Award – Student
Evan Henneman
Newest Certificated Flight Instructors (CFI-I) earn their Wings
More students means more CFI-I’s and more jobs at Guidance Aviation! Welcome and thank you for what you do CFI-I’s!
- Scott Depuy, CFI-I
- Nathan George, CFI-I
- Ken Mionske, CFI-I
- Chelsi Nelson, CFI-I
Certificated Flight Instructor – Instruments (CFI-I) – Helicopters
The following students have graduated the program and have earned their CFI-I, Helicopters. They are now professional helicopter pilots,ready to teach others how to fly!
- Jerry Daulton, CFI-I
- Dave Franklin, CFI-I
- Devin Ingram, CFI-I
- Joel Skaggs, CFI-I
- Chris Tatum, CFI-I
- Ruben Velasco, CFI-I
- Josh Warner, CFI-I
- Kevin Yip, CFI-I
Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI) – Helicopters
These students are now Certified Flight Instructors, moving on to earn their CFI-I, helicopters.
Instrument Rating – Helicopters
These students have just passed through one of the most demanding segments of their professional helicopter pilot training.
- Dustin Ankerson
- Chris Berkey
- Chase Bonfoey
- Daniel Bruce
- Richard Chaires
- Noah Dolph
- Rocky Duff
- Brandon Lee
- Jerrod Martian
- Chad Menneke
- Daniel Rouse
- Nathan Russell
- Tyson Snyder
Commercial Rating – Helicopters
The commercial rating allows these pilots to now “fly for money”.
- Juan Arce Febles
- Jason Benefiel
- Justin Gentner
- Justin Grantham
- Ben Hagle
- Seth Harding
- James Lee
- Jason Novo
- Luis Pena
- Rendell Velstra
Private Pilot – Helicopters
These students have passed the first important test on their way to becoming professional helicopter pilots. They can now fly helicopters on their own.
- Michael Barboza
- Giovanni Costello
- Matthew Eason
- Travis Farley
- Jesus Flores
- Wesley Golden
- Sean Hankison
- Richard Lyman
- Rob Mastriano
- Sam Mills
- Adam Pasquarella
- Michael Phillips
- Rene Ramirez
- Devin Sattelberg
- John Smeeton
- Michael Price
First Solo – Helicopters
The first solo is one flying experience no pilot ever forgets – especially helicopter pilots. As a part of the requirement to become a Private Pilot, Helicopters, students must demonstrate their ability to solo the aircraft. That means flying alone, sweatin’ all on your own in the cockpit.
- Matthew Brady
- Alex Breckner
- Daniel Buff
- Simon Butusov
- John Clark
- Cory Cox
- Michael Fierra
- Evan Henneman
- Jason Kozak
- Travis McGee
- David Medicus
- Marcos Perez
- AJ Pierre
- Kirk Reesman
- Ryan Smith
- Michael Sullivan
- Jared Wheeless
- Glen York
New Student Helicopter Pilots – Welcome
These students have just entered the program and are already busy in the advanced helicopter flight simulator lab. In just a couple short months, they will be flying a helicopter on their own. Welcome everyone!
- Daniel Bannick
- Bryce Barrett
- Aaron Bond
- Matthew Buckles
- John Campbell
- Declan Crilly
- Antonio Daehler
- Max Henry
- Jeremiah Johnson
- Ian King
- Sean Mactaggart
- Jason Mazza
- Bryan Mills
- Josh Moore
- Mark Morrissey
- Nathan Pearce
- Daniel Rayne
- Austin Riley
- Scott Sliker
- Steven Smith
- Jonathan Snyder
- Jennifer Tremblay
- Patrick Watson
New Employees – Welcome!
More jobs at Guidance Aviation!
- Joseph Chitester – Dispatcher
- Fred Deeter – Project Manager
- Zachary Guerrero – Graphic Designer
- Charles Mabry – Marketing Assistant
- Andrew Manual – Prescott Wing & Rotor
- Bret Painter –Human Resources
- Luke Stasica – Graphic Designer
- Rendell Veldstra – Flight Ops Asst.
- Charles Wright – Graphic Artist/Web Developer