Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) Meeting 04.08.14
Prescott Municipal Airport (KPRC) and FAA will be holding KPRC’s annual Runway SafetyOn Tuesday, April 8th starting at 10:00 AM, the Action Team (RSAT). This meeting is open to all Prescott airport users and tenants.
Prescott Municipal Airport
Administration Building
2nd Floor Conference Room
6546 Crystal Lane
- 10:00 Opening remarks and introductions.
- 10:15 Brief changes to airport since last RSAT meeting March 2013:
- Runway and taxiway changes, (RY shift, shoulders, relocation of NAVAIDs, status of ILS
- Airport Signage/Paint
- Review RIs since last RSAT.
- Review of open and recently closed Action Items.
- 10:45 Open discussion – Customer concerns, ATCT issues, Airport Management issues, tenant
issues, FBO issues.
- 11:30 Break
- 11:45 New Items
- 12:30 Adjourn
On April 04, 2014, this message was received by:
Jeffrey S. Tripp, A.A.E.
Airport Manager
Prescott Municipal Airport/Ernest A. Love Field
P: 928-777-1114