More Changes to GI Bill as of Oct 1, 2011

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The Post-9/11 GI Bill has evolved quite a bit over the last few years. Some changes have improved the ben­e­fit for vet­er­ans, while other – less pop­u­lar — changes were made to pay for the improve­ments. The lat­est changes came on the first of August, mainly in the form of tuition and fee lim­its and unpop­u­lar reduc­tions of some ben­e­fits.

But they’re not quite done yet, because as of Octo­ber 1, 2011, we will see another wave of changes. These Octo­ber changes will have a huge impact on vet­er­ans who study 100% through dis­tance learn­ing (online and oth­er­wise) and open new oppor­tu­ni­ties for voca­tional pur­suits.

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