Whirly-Girls Names Guidance Aviation Level 1 Sponsor

February 23, 2015, Lakewood, CO – On the eve of their 60th Anniversary, Whirly-Girls International named Guidance Aviation its Level 1 sponsor as the organization dedicated to promoting women in helicopter aviation plans its participation in the 2015 HAI HELI-EXPO in Orlando, Florida. Guidance Aviation has committed a total of $18,000 in cash donations to … Continued

10th Annual Arizona Aviation Day

Guidance Aviation Premier Sponsor of the 10th Annual Arizona Aviation Day The 10th Annual Arizona Aviation Day is taking place at the State Capitol on Thursday, February 26, 2015, 11:00am – 1:00pm. As a premier sponsor of the State’s annual event, Guidance Aviation will be joined by the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA.org), Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport, … Continued

2015 #HUGaPILOT Winners

Each year, we choose two pictures as winners of the #HUGaPILOT photo sweepstakes!  Each couple will win… 1–$100 Gift Card 2–Guidance Aviation hoodies 2–GA T-shirts 2–GA Window stickers! The 2015 #HUGaPILOT winners are: Dave and Rachael Medicus Chris Berkey and Sarah Hesser   Thanks to all who participated and be looking for next year’s #HUGaPILOT … Continued

#HugAPilot Photo Sweepstakes

We want them in that cockpit. We need them in that cockpit. So Get to the Chopper and #HugAPilot They take us to play one day and save our lives the next. They find us hopeless in cold dark waters. They rescue us from unforgiving wilderness. They hunt down bad guys day and night, ensuring our … Continued

Press Release 02.02.15 – LZ Network Launched

Guidance Aviation Launches Landing Zone “LZ”  Network Prescott, AZ., February 04, 2015 – Guidance Aviation has officially announced the launch of its “LZ Network”, emphasizing off-airport operations and real world training. Students practice pinnacle landings, confined areas, and off-airport operations. Guidance has established off-airport LZ’s throughout the Prescott region, providing unique flight environments and real world challenges for … Continued

Pigskin Pilots

Football Fans! Post your Pigskin Pilot Prediction before start of game to either our Prescott or Baton Rouge Facebook pages! Earliest and most accurate prediction of Super Bowl XLIX score WINS Guidance Aviation ball cap, beanie, T-Shirt AND hoodie! You Must: Submit to one of our Facebook pages BEFORE start of game. Use hashtag #PIGSKINPILOTS … Continued

Helicopter Pilot School Named City’s Most Philanthropic

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Prescott, Arizona, January 30, 2015 – Guidance Aviation of Prescott, Arizona was named the City’s Most Philanthropic Business for organizations with more than 50 employees during the “Healthy Prescott Business Awards”, hosted by the Prescott Chamber of Commerce. Since 2007, the helicopter pilot school has donated in excess of $580,000.00. These philanthropic … Continued

Reunited: POW and The Last B-26

The Untold War Story and Short Documentary of POW reunited with the last B-26 Bomber This short documentary shares the journey and memories of WWII B-26 Bomber Pilot, POW Barney Wasowicz as he is flown across the country to see the only flying B-26 in existence. During the experience, the selfless Veteran and public servant takes … Continued

Press Release 1.22.15

William Shatner’s Moving America Forward TV Features Helicopter Flight Training Studio City, CA., January 22, 2015 – John Stonecipher, President, CEO, Guidance Aviation appeared on William Shatner’s Moving America Forward TV, a national television series which celebrates the achievements and contributions of businesses and entrepreneurs across America. During the interview, Stonecipher discusses Guidance Aviation’s partnerships … Continued

New Semester Banquet, Baton Rouge Community College

Helicopter Flight Students and their family members along with staff and their families are welcome to join Baton Rouge Community College and Guidance Aviation for this semester’s new student banquet taking place Friday, January 30, 2015, 4:30pm-7:30pm, at 4460 Blanche Noyes, Baton Rouge, LA. 70807 (Keep your eyes out for the BRCC banner as you … Continued