Valle Airport Fly-in & Car Show, Thunder Over the Coconino, Aug 25th

Its Fly-In time for our neighbors at Valle Airport, Aug 25th!  Benefiting EAA Chapter #856 For more info: Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to or, Hero 2 Hired Virtual Job Fairs

Info from: No matter where you live, H2H’s virtual hiring events allow you to search for jobs and interact directly with employers, all in a convenient online setting.Even better, the exhibit halls, networking lounges, and resource centers for both environments are all open 24/7, so even when official events are not being held, you … Continued

Helicopter Foundation International Scholarships  We thought to share this. Pass it on!  More info and links below. HFI is offering an array of scholarships to answer the need for both qualified helicopter pilots and maintenance technicians, and to provide further training for Safety Managers and other professionals in the Safety field. Commercial Helicopter Rating ScholarshipIn answer to the … Continued

Prescott Airport Runway Construction Update

Here is the latest info from the Airport Manager’s office regarding the latest Prescott Airport Runway construction update: Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to or

Support Flight Training, Jobs and Growth

The Chase Bank Small Business Grant application is completed.There’s one step remaining and that’s where you come in! Chase Bank requires at least 250 persons vote for Guidance Aviation and the deadline is this Friday, June 29th! So, here’s what you can do to support education, aviation, flight training and jobs in the community. 1. … Continued

Harris Device to Improve Aviation Safety, Efficiency

In a major step forward in its growth from provider of satellite parts to actual payloads, Harris Corp. on Tuesday announced its role in building a crucial satellite component that could vastly improve air traffic control. This new business venture is expected to improve the safety and efficiency of airline travel by giving air traffic … Continued

Prescott Valley Rotary Balloon Festival June 16th & 17th

Join Us at the Prescott Valley Rotary Balloon Festival, June 16 – 17, 2012 to support the Prescott Valley Rotary Club and Patriots to Pilots! Guidance Aviation will be providing helicopter rides during the balloon festival.  100% of ALL proceeds will go to the Prescott Valley Rotary Club and to Patriots to Pilots. Patriots to … Continued

Airplane Pilot Maddie Roy solos her first aircraft at Guidance Aviation

Another lady has come one step closer to the gaining her certificate as airplane flight training student Maddie Roy soloed for the first time on Wednesday, June 13 at Guidance Aviation of Prescott, Arizona. Maddie is currently enrolled in the Global Securities and Intelligence Studies (GSIS) program at ERAU while taking her flight training at … Continued