Bid on a Chance To Fly Like A Bird, Support the Sanctuary

Saturday, October 6, 2012, 4:00pm – 8:00pm local, The Taste of The Wild will take place at the Heritage Park Zoological Sanctuary.  Proceeds from this important event will support the Zoological Sanctuary. Participating restaurants and wineries include: Arizona Stronghold Vineyards, Celtic Crossings Pub & Restaurant, Chef Bryan’s Bistro, Cowgirl in the Kitchen, Cracker Barrel, Dancing … Continued

A Passion for Helicopters and Flying fuels “Everything is Incredible”

The short film “Everything is Incredible” by Tyler Bastian says so much.  Find your passion and you’ll find your purpose and your life.  At the surface, you may see sadness, but look deeper. In the passion you find the joy.  At least, that is what this viewer saw. Agustin, stricken with polio as a young … Continued

Prescott Airport Construction Update Sept 12, 2012

from PRC Airport AdminHello Prescott Airport Community, We’re supporting “Taste of the Wild”Check it out HERE For your information, we have included the latest NOTAMs below.  The most significant change is a taxiway designation. Taxiway A1 from taxiway C to the approach end of runway 3L is now B5, effective Thursday September 13, 2012. Because … Continued

Sedona Airport Family Fun Day

Sedona Airport will host a family fun day on September 15, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. See lots of really cool aircraft – from old military, antiques and restored to new, modern, state of the art arcraft with full glass cockpits. Walk and talk with pilots and learn about the world of aviaiton. … Continued

Veteran Resource Fair, Yavapai College, Sept 12

On Wednesday, September 12, Yavapai College, Prescott Campus will host a Resource Fair from 12:00 – 5:00 pm. The purpose will be to provide veterans, spouses, dependents, students, faculty, staff, and local community members an opportunity to learn about information and resources available to veterans and their families at Yavapai College and within the community. … Continued

NEXT GEN Data Sharing Reducing Delays

by FAA.GOV NextGen technologies are providing better and more frequent data to improve collaborative decision making for the aviation industry and reduce the impact of delays on the traveling public. The enhanced data is helping to arrange aircraft so that delay notifications are whittled away and to allow airlines to use this data and decide … Continued

Flight Cost Reduction Training: Servers Added to Support Growth in Flight Training Programs

Our proprietary simulation programs and 24/7 access to instructional videos are two major components of Guidance Aviation’s Flight Cost Reduction Training (FCRT). In order to support our growing programs, we’ve recently upgraded our servers in order to host our helicopter and airplane instructional videos and to provide access for our students 24/7 within the secure section … Continued

End of Era for Icon of Marine Aviation – Rotor Pad News

First deployed during the Vietnam War, the CH-53D helicopter made its final flight in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Aug. 16. For the “Ugly Angels” of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 362, 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (Forward), being a part of the final flight that ended a legacy in Marine aviation came with mixed emotions. READ MORE … Continued

BBQ and Campus Highlights August 2012

Check out the recent helicopter flight training student accomplishments at Guidance Aviation as well as our August 2012 BBQ! Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to or

Online Guidance to Career Placement in Aviation

by Guy Roginson You did it.  You picked a great flight school.  You begged and borrowed from parents, grand parents, and banks to make your dream of becoming a professional pilot a reality. You can fly like a Red Bull Helicopter Pilot, your friends call you “Ski”, short for Sikorski,  and you walk with the … Continued