A Rotor Christmas Poem – Happy Holidays from Guidance Aviation

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the skies, The stars twinkled as Santa adjusted the night vision goggles over his eyes. The white bearded pilot pre-flighted his rotor craft with care, Hoping his precious cargo would reach all the children out there. So many children slept in their beds so comfy and warm, … Continued

Santa taking photos with kids TODAY at Ruger Airpark Industries

Friday, December 21, 2012, Prescott, Arizona Today, kids will be able to take a picture with Santa in front of his red helicopter at Ruger Airpark Industries.  Be there at 1:20pm sharp to see Santa arrive in his rotor craft!  Festivities start at 11:00am, compliments of Yavapai Exceptional Industries.  For more info, call:  928-445-9900. Guidance … Continued

Tuesday’s Trivia from The Ardy Files…

Here’s the first installment of “Tuesday’s Trivia from the Ardy Files“.  In other words, trivia based upon recent helicopter flight training at Guidance Aviation…….Students should have an upper hand compared to those on the outside! Most accurate and detailed answer posted to our Facebook page( https://www.facebook.com/GuidanceAviation )  wins some “most excellent stuff”.  Remember, you’re being judged … Continued

Pilot Profiles: Helicopter flight training milestones

Congrats to more helicopter flight training students for their recent accomplishments!  Blake Bailey has recently earned his Commercial Rating – Helicopters. Nice Job Blake.  Casey White just earned his Instrument Rating – Helicopters.  Congrats Casey!  Last but not least, a big congratulations to Jeremy Hartt on earning his CFI – Certified Flight Instructor – Helicopters. … Continued

Helicopter Pilot Training Profiles: CFII, Private, Instrument Ratings

More helicopter flight training students grab ratings as the semester nears its close.  Another professional helicopter pilot is born as Nathan George can now officially teach folks how to fly as a Certified Flight Instructor, Instruments (CFII) – Helicopters!  William Beal gets his wings and is a newly rated Private Pilot – Helicopters.  Neil Ludwig … Continued

Financing Flight Training: The Parent Plus Loan

by Robert Short, Student Services Manager, Guidance Aviation, Email Robert at robert@guidance.aero .Offices: 877-235-9444 (gr) Financing flight training can be daunting.  Whether you are pursuing a career as a Helicopter pilot, Airplane pilot,  UAV pilot, Flight Dispatcher or Airport Manager, you have a number of financing options and loan programs to review when it comes to … Continued

Helicopter Pilot Training Profiles: Nick Buller, CFII

Congratulations to Nick Buller who is now a Certified Flight Instructor, Instruments – Helicopters!  Way to go Nick! Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to http://www.guidance.aero or http://www.guidancehelicopters.com

Think Global Flight Lands in Washington, D.C.

We found Capt. Judy Rice visiting Washington, D.C. and rubbing some elbows!  We should be getting a formal update and news on the trip shortly.. Below, Captain Rice sharing Think Global Flight’s mission of promoting education through an around-the-world flight with Peter Bunce, President & CEO, GAMA and Mike Matousek, Aviation Subcommittee Staff, House Transportation & … Continued

Ben Galloway- Instrument Rating, Helicopters

Congratulations to Ben Galloway who is now an instrument rated helicopter pilot! Nice job to that instructor too!  Byron Enfield, CFII, Guidance Aviation.Byron is a U.S. Marine Veteran and is now getting paid to teach others how to fly!Go Marines! Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft … Continued

Ramp Photo Scuffle: Best Guidance Ramp Shot Wins

Winner of the December Ramp Photo Scuffle will win a very nice holiday prize. Submit your Guidance Ramp photo and full name to pr@guidance.aero.  Here are the first two! Chris Horton submitted this on 11/29/12 Robert Short, in an attempt to “one up” Horton, submitted this on 11/30, Nice shot of helicopter in foreground and … Continued