Helicopter Flight Training Profiles: Always A Marine

Helicopter Flight Training Using GI Bill Benefits to Become a Professional Helicopter Pilot [CAREER UPDATE: 02-15-15: CJ has just announced he has landed a job and will begin flying professionally (outside of Guidance) in March, 2015. Congrats CJ!!]  James (CJ) Schneider III is a CFI, CFI-I for both Helicopter and Fixed Wing. He works for … Continued

Arizona Aviation Day at the State Capitol: Guidance Aviation is there

We hope to see you at the Arizona State Capitol, for the eighth annual Arizona Aviation Day! Our staff will be meeting with State Legislators and other Aviation organizations from Arizona.  For more info, see below.   The eighth annual Aviation Day at the Capitol is scheduled for Tuesday, January 15, 2013. The event will … Continued

Flight Training Trivia: A Multiple Front Question This Week

Post your answer on our Facebook Page to win some swag:  www.facebook.com/guidanceaviation Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to http://www.guidance.aero or http://www.guidancehelicopters.com

Helicopter Flight Training Profiles: Rodney Evans, CFI-I, An Aviation Animal

Rodney Evans, U.S. Military Veteran, enrolled in the Yavapai College Professional Helicopter Pilot Degree Program, is now officially a CFI-I, Certified Flight Instructor – Instrument, helicopters.  But he’s not stopping there. Evans is finishing up his fixed wing ratings as well and then he’s looking to obtain his Masters!  This guy’s an animal of aviation! … Continued

Happy New Year – New Flight Training Programs for 2013

Happy New Year everyone!  2012 was a fantastic year and 2013 promises to be even better.  Here’s what’s on the horizon for 2013: Dozens of new, high definition online flight training videos thanks our media department and its commitment to high quality, exceptionally produced visual and audio based learning content. New programs and existing program … Continued

Flying With WAAS – FAA News

published by the FAA Pilots flying all types of aircraft are now able to reach more runways in low visibility conditions than ever before.  Last month, the Wide Area Augmentation System (WAAS) program exceeded 3,000 Localizer Performance with Vertical guidance (LPVs) approaches published. This is significant because of the safety and capacity benefits of WAAS-enabled … Continued

U.S. Vets Open House and Auction, January 16

U.S. VETS will be hosting a FREE open house/auction in the Prescott Resort’s Granite Mountain Room.  Free hors d’oeuvres and beverages with a silent auction, door prizes and raffle. For more information, contact Andrea at 928-445-2480,  x5938. The U.S. VETS mission: the successful transition of military veterans and their families through the provision of housing, … Continued

ATC Wished Pilots Knew – What Controllers Say

Paul Winski, Air Traffic Manager, Prescott ATC Tower, asked us to pass this along.  Click to enlarge.  Thanks Paul! Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing flight training utilizing the newest aircraft and best equipment available. For more information, go to http://www.guidance.aero or http://www.guidancehelicopters.com

HFI Updates: Helicopter Flight Training Scholarship Deadlines

HFI Scholarships Helicopter Foundation International has long recognized the need for qualified commercial helicopter pilots and helicopter maintenance technicians. Over the last several years, the shortage has become real. Many of our experienced pilots and maintenance technicians are nearing retirement age, the war has pulled experienced personnel from our ranks at a time when the … Continued

Tuesday’s Trivia: Name it and Win a Gizmo

Last week’s winner of the helicopter flight training Tuesday Trivia was Israel Tilman.  Name the part below and what aircraft it is from (hint: name the HELICOPTER ).  Most accurate and descriptive answer wins a gizmo… POST YOUR ANSWER ON OUR FACEBOOK PAGE TO ENTER: http://www.facebook.com/guidanceaviation  Guidance Aviation provides high altitude helicopter and fixed wing … Continued