FAA Notification for Prescott Municipal Airport (KPRC)

PRC1 Departure will be the new Obstacle Departure Procedure for Ernest A. Love Field FAA Notification:  The FAA has notified the Airport that effective April 3, 2014, the PRC1 Departure will be the new Obstacle Departure Procedure for Ernest A. Love Field. This procedure will be mandatory for all IFR departures and pilots can expect their … Continued

Aviation Hiring Trends Survey

The 2014 Aviation Hiring Forecast JSfirm.com, an online aviation only job board, is pleased to release the 5th Annual Aviation Hiring Trends Survey. Jeff Richards, JSfirm.com Manager said, “This annual survey has proven to be accurate in past years at forecasting the hiring trends and is highly anticipated by the aviation industry.” In summary: 400 … Continued

FAA Issues Final Rule to Improve Helicopter Safety

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today issued a final rule that requires helicopter operators, including air ambulances, to have stricter flight rules and procedures, improved communications, training, and additional on-board safety equipment. The rule represents the most significant improvements to helicopter safety in decades and responds to government’s and industry’s concern … Continued

FAAST Safety Seminar Baton Rouge

Accident Case Study Live The AOPA Foundation is sponsoring the FAAST Safety Seminar “Accident Case Study” in Baton Rouge this March 19th.  To the non-pilot, it might seem a bit morbid that pilots pay so much attention to aircraft accidents. After all, when was the last time you saw an article about an accident in … Continued

Prescott Aviation History Program: The Flying Banana, Vietnam’s Unsung Hero

Helicopter celebrated during Prescott Aviation History Program at Embry-Riddle’s Prescott DLC Auditorium Everyone is invited to the next ERAU Prescott Aviation History Program, this Wednesday, 19 March. The presenter will be Roger  Messick, US Army, Ret. who served two tours in Vietnam, 1962-63 and 1965-66. His talk is entitled “The Flying Banana; Vietnam’s Unsung Hero”. As an Amy combat helicopter pilot, he flew … Continued

YCSO Search and Rescue Helicopter RESCUE 1 Integral Part of Latest Success

“Rescue 1” Search and Rescue Success for YCSO Air Operations YCSO Search and Rescue Helicopter, “RESCUE 1” was an integral part of the most recent search and rescue effort of the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO). Just before 4 PM on Sunday, March 9, 2014, the Yavapai County Sheriff’s office was notified regarding a missing person in … Continued

Louisiana ACE Camps

Aviation Career Education Camp 2014 The Louisiana ACE Summer Camp Program will continue for its fourth year in 2014. ACE stands for Aviation Career Education and the week long camp is aimed at High School students between the ages of 15 and 18 who are considering a career in aviation. In 2013, three ACE Camps … Continued

Facebook Drones To Deliver Internet To Africa via WHATSAPP

Facebook in talks to buy UAV – drone maker Titan Aerospace Facebook drones may be the next high flying UAVs delivering internet to developing countries like Africa. The orchestrated move by Facebook, buying Titan Aerospace after already spending $19 Billion on WHATAPP (yes that’s “one – nine Billion with a B”), is a play to … Continued

Robinson Helicopter Dealership Established in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Guidance Louisiana is Robinson’s newest helicopter dealership Guidance Louisiana, LLC of Baton Rouge, LA has just launched a new Robinson Helicopter Dealership. On Friday, February 21, 2014, the dealership became official when Chief Pilot, Matt Cavenagh, received delivery of a new 2014 Robinson R66 Helicopter from the Robinson manufacturing facility in Torrance, California. “Guidance Louisiana will be providing sales and service … Continued

X-Copter Unveiled at HELI-EXPO 2014

X-Copter announces the Next Generation of helicopter flight simulators for the primary flight training market Called “X-Copter”, it is an eighth generation helicopter flight simulator that has been in development since 2006 and the core component of the nationally recognized “Flight Cost Reduction Training” program at Guidance Aviation. Engineered for the primary flight training market, … Continued