Baton Rouge Fly In, May 10

Baton Rouge Fly-in Series Event hosted by EAA Chapter 244 Posted on the LA Aviator Website; Header Image courtesy of EAA Chapter 244 The Baton Rouge Fly In will take place on Saturday, May 10, 2014 at 10am – 1pm. The Baton Rouge EAA Chapter 244 will host the fly-in at Baton Rouge Metro Airport (KBRT) (map). … Continued

Guidance Aviation Student BBQ, Prescott Flight Ops – May 16, 2014

Helicopter flight students and their families along with Guidance Aviation Staff & Instructors are invited to the May 16th Student BBQ.  New students will be recognized as well as the accomplishments of current students and staff. Questions regarding the event should be directed to Sandra Pryor, Guidance Aviation Admin Bldg at 928-443-9370.  SEE EVENT LINK. WHEN: May … Continued

Collegiate Aviation Scholarships in Louisiana

Louisiana Airport Managers and Associates offering Aviation Scholarships for College Students The Louisiana Airport Managers and Associates will once again be offering scholarships for college students in the aviation curriculum. LAMA will award up to three (3) $1,000 academic scholarships at its annual conference October 8th, in Shreveport. The applicant must be enrolled in an … Continued

Cleanest Air in the United States is in Prescott Arizona

The cleanest air in the U.S., as measured by the American Lung Association’s State of The Air Report 2013, is in Prescott, Arizona. Specifically, Prescott’s air is the cleanest metropolitan air in a 24 hour period for particulate pollution. Particulate Pollution Explained “Particulate matter,” also known as particle pollution or PM, is a complex mixture … Continued

Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit

Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) May 4 – 6 Event The Army Aviation Association of America (AAAA) is proud to announce its annual convention is now the Army Aviation Mission Solutions Summit to be held May 4-6, 2014, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn. This AAAA-sponsored two and a half day event … Continued

Robinson R66 Receives EASA Certification

R66 Going to Europe Torrance, CA — On April 30, 2014, four years after initial FAA certification, the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued its type certificate for the Robinson R66 Turbine helicopter. Robinson is pleased to add EASA member states to the now over fifty countries (including Australia, Brazil, Canada, Japan, Russia, South Africa, … Continued

Post 9/11 GI Bill® Benefits – Education and Training

by Post 9/11 GI Bill® Benefits The Post 9/11 GI Bill® is an education benefit program for individuals who served on active duty after September 10, 2001.  You may be eligible if you served at least 90 aggregate days on active duty* after September 10, 2001, or were honorably discharged from active duty for a … Continued

Adopt A Highway Clean Up April 26th

Guidance Aviation Gets Dirty to Keep Prescott Clean! Guidance Aviation of Prescott Arizona adopted the portion of HWY 89, adjacent the Prescott Airport (KPRC), and is committed to the effort twice per year – Spring and Fall! We will meet at the Student Services building at 7:30 am for donuts, bagels, coffee and juice and … Continued

FAA Completes Nationwide Equipment Installation for NextGen Aircraft Tracking System

NEXTGEN Aircraft Tracking System Enables Air Traffic Controllers to Track Aircraft with Greater Accuracy by The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration today announced the completion of a nationwide infrastructure upgrade that will enable air traffic controllers to track aircraft with greater accuracy and reliability, while giving pilots more information in the cockpit. … Continued

Helicopter Safety Rule Deadline Extended by FAA

Helicopter Safety Rule Compliance Deadline extended to 04.22.15 by In response to industry feedback and so that the FAA can develop detailed guidance materials, the FAA is extending the compliance deadline for the helicopter safety rule by one year to April 22, 2015. This will provide the industry with necessary FAA materials and adequate … Continued